Le Club Francofous

à l'Université de Louisiane-Lafayette

Allo! My name is Anna Marie, or Anne-Marie si vous préférez, and I have been asked by Laura to preside over Le Club Francofous. As most of you know, Laura will be graduating this coming year. We are all going to miss her SO much, so ENJOY it while she's still around! And in sight of her departure, I will be working with her to gradually learn and preside over the workings of this club. I have now formulated the tentative calendar for this upcoming year (go to http://francofous.googlepages.com/calendar2007 ), so if you have heard of any events or information that are pertinent to Le Club Francofous, please do not hesitate to e-mail me at francofous@gmail.com and I will add them!

Also, our first meeting will take place on Wednesday, September 19 at 5:00pm in room 315 of Griffin. All majors and levels are ENCOURAGED and WELCOME to attend! Hope to see you then!

DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT THE CALENDAR at http://francofous.googlepages.com/calendar2007
If you wish to be included in our mailing list, please send an email to francofous@gmail.com and put “add me” as the subject of the email.

Thank you to Laura for her prior and continued efforts with Le Club Francofous! MERCI MILLE FOIS LAURA!!

And thank YOU, FRANCOFOUS, for being a part of a truly unique experience, EN FRANCAIS!

Le Club Francofous
Université de Louisiane à Lafayette

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Le Club Francofous

© 2006 Le Club Francofous | Official Information found atThe University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
We are a non-profit, official student-based organization affiliated with the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, established to expose, inform and invite the campus population to the French and Francophone world.
This webpage and its content does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the University and its officials.